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History of various karate organizations in Okinawa until today
(The process of establishing the Okinawa Dento Karatedo Shinkokai)

For a better development, the Okinawa Karatedo Renmei (federation established in 1959) is dissolved and reorganized into the “Zen Okinawa Karatedo Renmei” (All Okinawa Karatedo Federation).
A split occurs inside the All Okinawa Karate Do Federation, and the “Okinawa Prefecture Karatedo Federation (Kenkuren)” is established.
The “Okinawa Karate Kobudo Federation” is established.
At the opening ceremony of the 1st World Uchinanchu Tournament, the 3 federations cooperate for a demonstration.
The “Okinawa Prefecture Karatedo Rengokai” is established.
The think tank “Jiritsu he no jinzai ikusei senryaku wo kangaeru Konwakai” (Chairman: Chinen Eiji President of the Okinawa Cellular Phone company at that time) propose the unification of the above 4 federations to the Okinawa Prefecture.
As a unified karate-do organization in Okinawa, the “Okinawa Dento Karatedo Shinkokai” (Association for the promotion of Okinawa traditional karatedo) is established, with governor of Okinawa Nakaima Hirokazu as chairman.
The 2009 Okinawa Traditional Karatedo World Tournament is held as a commemoration of the establishment of the Shinkokai. 728 participants from 40 countries and some 6,000 participants from Japan and Okinawa participated.

Organizational chart

Organizational chart